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Mexican film director, Celso Garcia

Mexican film director, Celso Garcia

Celso García, myself and Santa Fe College Media Crew led by Steven Menendez. My students were able to watch "La delgada línea amarilla" and interview García about his movie.

Interview to Mexican Film Director Celso Garcia

Interview to Mexican Film Director Celso Garcia

Through the Latina Women's League I was able to bring to class the Mexican filmmaker Celso Garica. He came to our Media Studio at Santa Fe College and I was able to interview him about his latest movie "La delgada línea amarilla". My students enjoyed having him over and learn about his experience as a filmmaker.

Celso Garcia's presentation at SF College

Celso Garcia's presentation at SF College

Celso García showed his movie "La delgada línea amarilla". This is a picture of his presentation at Santa Fe College.

Gainesville Latino Film 2017

Gainesville Latino Film 2017

Alejandra Maruniak and I for the GLFF opening.

GLFF Organizing Committee

GLFF Organizing Committee

The committee taking care of the last changes in our program for the Gainesville Latino Film Festival 2017.

Gainesville Latino Film Festival

Gainesville Latino Film Festival

Every year the GLFF brings to our community artists from different parts of Latin America. This time, we had a Latin Jazz Band for the closing night of our event.

Mexican Filmmaker, Celso García

Mexican Filmmaker, Celso García

Celso García also talked to my students about Mexican Cinematography: Production and Direction. Students were delighted by his lecture, and were able to watch "La delgada línea amarilla" and also interview García about his movie.

Festival of Poetry in Cusco

Festival of Poetry in Cusco

After the first reading of prose and poetry, these Peruvian female writers decided to go apart and get a 'solo' in front of The Lost City (Machu Picchu). Karen, Roxana Crisologo, Cecilia Podesta and Ericka Ghersi are writers from Lima, and they were invited by the organizers of the Festival of Poetry in Cusco.

Mexican filmmaker, Celso Garcia

Mexican filmmaker, Celso Garcia

The Mexican director film, Celso García presented his movie "La delgada línea amarilla" in the Fine Arts Hall at Santa Fe College. I was in charge of the presentation.

Cuban Artist, Raul Villarreal

Cuban Artist, Raul Villarreal

Raul Villarreal and I co-teach classes each time I teach Latin American and World Humanities. This time, he was showing a selective work by Cuban painters living in the Island: Cuba Modern art.

At the FFLA 2017

At the FFLA 2017

Sharing info with Grisell Santiago, Spanish Coordinator at PK Yong (UF).

Conference FFLA 2017

Conference FFLA 2017

Presenting a paper on learning languages by performing children stories in the target language: "Once Upon A Time". This is a picture of those who stay after presentation, we shared information and future projects.

International Education Week at SFC

International Education Week at SFC

Faculty dressed with international attires and explain some cultural facts based on the costume.

World Humanities Expo (WHE) at SFC

World Humanities Expo (WHE) at SFC

My students presented their art work based on children books. Some of them won the competition. This book is based on "The Hungry Caterpillar". Ariel, the student, translated the book into Spanish and then designed it in a 'touch and feel' format for kids from pre-k to 2nd grade.

World Humanities Expo (WHE) at SFC

World Humanities Expo (WHE) at SFC

My students presented their art work based on children books. Some of them won the competition. This book is based on a book for middle school students. The student related the book to a feminist theory and then looked for a translation into Spanish to apply some of the grammar she learned in class.

International Education Week (SFC)

International Education Week (SFC)

Students from HUM2461: Latin American Humanities paraded with 19th clothing for dancing waltz.

Cuban Artist Aliosky García Sosa (ISA)

Cuban Artist Aliosky García Sosa (ISA)

Aliosky García is the current art printmaker department director of the University of Arts in Havana, Cuba (ISA). He came to Santa Fe College, and gave a lecture to one of the classes I teach (HUM2020). Students enjoyed learning from him.

International Education Wee (SFC)

International Education Wee (SFC)

Students from my HUM2461 paraded with 19th century outfits for dancing Latin American waltz.

Cuban Artists, Aliosky García and Raúl Villarreal

Cuban Artists, Aliosky García and Raúl Villarreal

Aliosky García, the current art printmaker department director of the University of Arts in Havana, Cuba (ISA) gave some lectures in Santa Fe College, These picture was taken after a lecture in one of my classrooms.

International Education Week (SFC)

International Education Week (SFC)

Faculty talking about countries and cultures

Raúl Villarreal and Aliosky García

Raúl Villarreal and Aliosky García

My students get to know many artists taking my classes. I like inviting people who can explain what they do in the arts, and how it works for them. This time, the painter Raúl Villarreal and the printmaker Aliosky García talked about Cuba and the arts. Students like talking to my guests and learn more about their experience. Here a copule of students enjoying one of my guests, Aliosky García (Cuban artist).

Mexican actress, Daniela Rincón

Mexican actress, Daniela Rincón

Every year the league a belong to: Latina Women's League, organize the Gainesville Latino Film Festival. As a member of the league, I bring filmmakers, actors and actresses to the classes I teach. Daniela Rincón gave several lectures on Mexican Cinema Industry and how actors need to prepare to be part of it. Read her blog:

The Bilingual Storytelling Project

The Bilingual Storytelling Project

Reading aloud is an ancient technique we all learn when we are children. We learn how to talk when we listen to stories. Oral literature is before human kind, and we still need to learn more about its teachings. We can learn languages by listening to stories, that is the beginning of this project.

Poetry Recital at Westsider Books

Poetry Recital at Westsider Books

I was invited to read my poems at this bookstore in Manhattan, NYC. This was part of a poetry program regarding Hispanic poetry in the United States.

World Humanities Exposition (WHE)

World Humanities Exposition (WHE)

The WHE is an annual exposition held by the Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages at Santa Fe College. This student, member of the Bilingual Storytelling (BS) Project won one of the competitions.

Brazilian Musician Ulisses Rocha

Brazilian Musician Ulisses Rocha

Ulisses Rocha was a guess speaker at one of the courses I teach (HUM2461). This time, I was teaching about Canción de Protesta, and Ulisses Rocha gave a lecture on Brazilian music: Protest Songs/Social Songs 1960-80. I used the link below as homework:

Daniela Rincón and some students

Daniela Rincón and some students

My students get to know many artists taking my classes. I like inviting people who can explain first hand what they do in the arts, and how it works for them. Students like talking to my guests and learn more about their expertise. Here a copule of students enjoying our guest, Daniela Rincón (Mexican actress).

FFLA Conference, 2015

FFLA Conference, 2015

With colleagues from Oak Hall and PKYonge teaching Spanish and Portuguese languages at The FFLA Conference, 2015.

Daniela Rincon and Lisa Carducci

Daniela Rincon and Lisa Carducci

Sometimes my colleagues and I combine classes to offer lectures by experts on a specific discipline. This time, we had a Daniela Rincón, Mexican actress, talking about Mexican Cinema Industry.

ESOL at Santa Fe College

ESOL at Santa Fe College

My students from ESOL.

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Screen Shot 2018-01-02 at 10.29.52 AM



CODI certificate

CODI certificate

Certificate for Online Design and Instruction

Latin American Studies Certificate

Latin American Studies Certificate

I got the Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies in 2008. It requires 12–15 credit hours of Latin American area studies courses. Graduate Certificate students are required to have intermediate-high proficiency in Spanish, Portuguese, or Haitian Creole.

FFLA Conference

FFLA Conference

Prof. Zacarias and I offered a workshop on How to teach Portuguese in blended and online courses. Conference in Saint Augustine, 2015

Quality Matters

Quality Matters

I gor the Certificate of Completion for Independent Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) in 2014.

International Education Week

International Education Week

Students practicing Spanish

Students practicing Spanish

This is an activity I do at the beginning of the semester with those students that have taken Spanish in High School. They need to introduce themselves to the class.

CELPE-BRAS (Certificado de Proficiê)

CELPE-BRAS (Certificado de Proficiê)

I got the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners) in 2004. It is the only certificate of proficiency in Brazilian Portuguese as a Second language officially recognized and developed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).

Master of Arts

Master of Arts

I got the Master of Arts at Bowling Green State University in 2000. Major in Spanish Languages and Literatures Graduated year 2000

Nadie sabe mis cosas

Nadie sabe mis cosas

I published a scholar essay in 2008 in this book. "Nadie sabe mis cosas", edited by Mariela Dreyfus, is a compilation of essays on Blanca Varela's poetry.

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy

I got the PhD at the University of Florida. Major Romance Languages (Spanish & Portuguese) Graduated 2008

Conference by SIPLE (Londrina)

Conference by SIPLE (Londrina)

Prof. Zacarias and I presented a paper in the Simpósio da Sociedade Internacional de Português Língua Estrangeira.Comunicação Oral: ESTUDO DAS PLATAFORMAS MOODLE, CANVAS E MYPORTUGUESELAB PARA A VIABILIZAÇÃO DE CURSO DE PLE TOTALMENTE ONLINE. 2014. (with Dr. Regiani Zacarias).

The AATSP Conference in Miami

The AATSP Conference in Miami

A paper of mine has been accepted to be presented at The 98th Annual Conference Open Doors / Portas Abertas / Puertas Abiertas Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel Miami, Florida July 8-11, 2016

Humanities and Foreign Languages Dep

Humanities and Foreign Languages Dep

I currently work for the department of Humanities and Foreign Languages. The faculty and staff in the Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages work to develop student ability to think critically and ethically, and to communicate effectively, by providing learning opportunities in American Sign Language, Chinese, French, interdisciplinary humanities, philosophy, religion, Spanish, and speech.

Casa de la literature peruana)

Casa de la literature peruana)

I presented a scholar paper in 2015 In Peru. La Casa de la Literatura Peruana rindió un homenaje al poeta Wáshington Delgado (Cusco, 1927 – Lima, 2003) a través de un coloquio con motivo de los 60 años de la primera edición de su poemario Formas de la ausencia, libro emblemático de la Generación del 50. Este evento se realizó el mes de julio de 2015 con la participación de más de 30 investigadores.

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