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My Courses

Yoruba Religion in Cuba

Yoruba Religion in Cuba

This semester Raul Villarreal gave a talk about Yoruba religion to my HUM 2020. My students were fascinated by the information Prof. Villarreal shared with them. Thank you, Raúl!

In HUM2020, students need to create a portfolio and a blog to start posting all the cultural events they are assigned to attend, and learn how to use properly online tools.

In HUM 2020, students create their own portfolio in class.

HUM 2020 students must post in their blogs the events they attend, and follow a rubric to answer questions and give their own opinion.

Students in HUM2461 also create their blog and post all the events they attend.

POR 1120/1121: Brazilian Portuguese

POR 1120/1121: Brazilian Portuguese

My students at the performance of this amazing jazz band Elio's Quartet. Portuguese 2 is designed for students who have attended Elementary Portuguese 1 or have taken a placement test or equivalent and are able to follow the course content. The content of this course is designed to help students develop the structural aspects of the Lang.

SPN1120: Spanish for Beginners

SPN1120: Spanish for Beginners

SPN 1120 & 1121: Spanish 1 introduces students to the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish speaking countries. Spanish 1 is designed for students who have no or limited knowledge of either Spanish or linguistics. The purpose of the course is to teach students the fundamental skills of the Spanish language within the context of contemporary Hispanic cultures.

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